Log in with a Web3 Wallet

Yuzumax marketplace works with a Web3 crypto wallet such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet and more. Your wallet is your identity.

We invite you to read www.metamask.io or www.trustwallet.com FAQ and documentation to understand its features or any documentation related to your cryptocurrency wallet.

  • Users need to log in by clicking on the wallet logo on the top right.

  • Select the network BNB Smart Chain

  • Depending on the Web3 wallet you are using, select the wallet you want to use on mobile or desktop.

  • You will be prompted to sign a request; the signature is to confirm you are the wallet owner and to access your profile. Do not share the signature with anyone. Do not sign on to public devices. The signature expires in 7 days which means you will not have to sign again for 7 days. After 7 days you will be prompted again to sign. If you want to remove the signature from a computer, you need to clear the cache.

  • You will be prompted to accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

  • You are now connected to the website

Last updated