Add a product to your shop
! Warning !
Before selling on Yuzumax, make sure:
You have the legal right to sell the products.
You have the legal right to interact with cryptocurrency, digital assets, and nft.
The country/region you ship to is a legal product.
The products you sell are legal in your own country/region.
There is no listing fee on Yuzumax; as a seller, you are free to add unlimited products.
There are two ways to add a new product:
Quick import from an Amazon URL: copy and paste the URL of an Amazon product and click on the blue saving button on the right. It will take a few seconds to import the product sheet. Then you must click on mint and confirm the transaction on your Web3 wallet.
The products will be approved automatically and you can directly put your price and quantity available for sale.
Manually: Add your product's details and photo manually and click on the green upload arrow. You must then click on mint and confirm the transaction on your Web3 wallet. Yuzumax will review the product before showing it on the platform within 24 hours.
Once the product is approved, you will see it on the product page. In seller mode, click on the product and add a price and inventory available to sell this product.
Additionally, you can sell any items on the marketplace without going through the “add a new product” steps. In seller mode, click on a product to access it and add a price and inventory.
Last updated