
Individual buyers, sellers or professional can use the Yuzumax marketplace.

Users should comply with their own country/region or jurisdiction tax law for the online transaction of digital assets. If users are subject to any capital gain, It is the responsibility of the users to declare taxes.

Yuzumax is not responsible and liable for users' taxes declarations. You may consult a tax professional if you have doubts about your tax situation.

Before selling or buying on Yuzumax, make sure:

You have the legal right to sell or buy the products.

You have the legal right to interact with cryptocurrency, digital assets, and nft.

The country/region you ship from or ship to is a legal product.

The products you sell or buy are legal in your country/region.

The transactions are on-chain on the blockchain and run by an autonomous escrow smart contract.

Funds are never in possession of Yuzumax; we take no responsibility in cases of illegal activity.

Yuzumax will not share users' information but may if requested by the authority of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, share information in compliance with Hong Kong laws.

Last updated